O Oyerinde (PhD), Pr Eng., SMIEEE Centre for
Telecommunications Access and Services (CETAS) School of
Electrical and Information Engineering (EIE) University of
the Witwatersrand Research |
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Current Research Research Interests My current research interests
include: Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface for 6G Networks 5G and beyond 5G-based technologies Massive MIMO Systems mm Wave Massive MIMO systems NOMA-based systems Signal Processing for Wireless communication systems Digital Video Broadcasting Second Generation
Terrestrial (DVB-T2) Research Projects Fog Computing for 5G Applications Channel Estimation in Reconfigurable Intelligent
Surface-based 6G Networks Impact of Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) on
Engineering Education Channel Estimation in NOMA Multi-user Detection in NOMA Channel Estimation in mm Wave Massive MIMO Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio System Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB-T2) systems Optical OFDM communication systems Channel Coding Research Awards/Grants NRF C2-Rated Researcher (2021-2026). NRF Competitive program for rated researcher (2021-2026) NRF Y-Rated Researcher (2015-2020). NRF Competitive program for rated researcher
(2019-2021) South Africa NRF/ Poland NCBR 2018 Joint Science
Technology Research Collaboration Research Proposal (2019-2021) NRF Knowledge, Interchange and Collaboration (KIC),
2018 NRF Incentive funds (2015-2020). Research Development Grants for Y-Rated Researchers
(YRGR): 2017-2019 Research Responsibilities Member
of advisory board for SENTECH Research Project (DVB-T2): 2016-Date. CETAS
Research Group Coordinator for ICASA Projects on Spectrum Sensing 2015-2017. Other Postgraduate Financial Supports/Funding Limited funding is available for both local
and International students via the South Africa
National Research Foundation (NRF). These include the NRF and DAAD
postgraduate scholarships. Prospective students are to make theirs applications directly to the NRF. Further
information could be found through the following link: www.nrf.ac.za. WITS Postgraduate Merit Awards The aim of the University Postgraduate Merit Award
(PMA) is to assist graduates to complete Honors, Masters or PhD degrees by
research or by a combination of the course work and research on both a
full-time and part-time basis. Tuition fees to a maximum of R53 800 (for 2020-the
value will be different for the current year) will be awarded to students who
qualify. This award is based purely on
academic merit and budget available. Please note that the PMA does not pay for
international registration fees, copyright fees, notes, clubs
and parking. Academic Criteria: PhD: A student applying for a Master’s degree will receive a Merit Postgraduate Award if
he/she receives an average mark of 70% or above for his/her Honors’ degree. For
a PhD degree will receive a Postgraduate Merit Award if he/she submits his/her
Masters’ degree within two years full-time or three years part-time. MSc: A Master’s degree by
coursework will receive a Postgraduate Merit Award if he/she receives an
average mark of 70% or above for their Honours
degree or Postgraduate Diploma. For a student applying for a Masters by Dissertation, an average mark of 67% is
required in the Honours degree or Postgraduate
Diploma. Allocations will occur in January as students will be ranked and awards will be given to the highest marks until
the funds run out. Mode of Application: Only students that have a firm offer for admission will be
considered in the selection process. All awards are automated based on the
PMA criteria. This means that students do not need to apply for the award.
There will be no appeals for the awards, as it will be strictly based on the
criteria. The automated system will run for all four intakes for PG
admission: 1st -
January 2nd -
April 3rd - July 4th –
September For further information
consult the university webpage: https://www.wits.ac.za/study-at-wits/fees-and-funding/financial-aid-and-scholarships-office/postgraduate-funding/postgraduate-merit-awards/ Foreign applicants with their own Government funding
are welcome. |